Why organize a block party?
Organizing a block party is an excellent way to get to know your neighbours. It takes place in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where residents can meet, play, eat, and discover common interests that bring them together. With a little willingness, a neighbourhood can become a united community where everyone cares about the health and well-being of the community.
Neighbourhood parties are organized by residents, for residents. The Culture and Recreation Department handles authorization requests and acts as a liaison between the organizer and various city services. Although neighbourhood parties are informal and fun, some planning is required. This guide will assist you throughout the process.
Discover all the new tools and surprises available this year!
Block party info sessions
March 26, April 4, or April 9
You’ve always wanted to organize a block party, but don’t know where to start?
Have a bite with us and learn more about:
- the process for obtaining municipal authorization
- the tools and resources available to help you organize your party
- get tips and advice from residents who have organized a block party in their neighborhood
Authorization to organize a block party
Submit your request
If you are hosting a block party on public property (i.e. the street) you will require an authorization from the City of Beaconsfield.
Here are the steps required:
Please complete the authorization request online. Be sure to do this at least 15 days before your event.
Once approved, the Culture and Recreation service will issue an authorization and confirm the delivery of the necessary equipment. This authorization must be displayed on-site throughout the duration of the event
The Culture and Leisure service will notify:
Urban Planning department
Municipal Patrol
The Montreal Fire Department (SIM)
More details regarding the process, municipal by-laws and tools to help you plan your party are available in the Block Party Guide.
There are two types of Block Parties:
On private property, without encroaching on public domain – this type of party does not require a permit.
Extends onto public domain such as streets, excluding city-owned green spaces – this type of party requires an authorization.
If an authorization is required, an application must be submitted online a minimum of 15 days prior to the event.
The approval of temporary partial street closures for neighbourhood parties is at the discretion of the Culture and Leisure service and the Montreal Fire Department (SIM). Please note that this authorization only concerns partial street closures, not complete closures.
The City will provide equipment free of charge, subject to availability. The equipment will be delivered to the address specified by the organizer a few days before the event.
Barricades: Organizers must install them on the street for the duration of the neighbourhood party and remove them at the end of the event.
The sound level (including music) must remain within acceptable limits and must not exceed 10:00 PM, in accordance with BEAC-033 regulations.
No alcohol consumption is allowed on public domain.
All structures such as tables and tents must be placed on the side of the street and must be easily removable.
The organizers release the City from any claims, lawsuits, etc. arising from this event.
The organizers will be held responsible for any damage to public or private property arising from the event.
The organizers commit to cleaning the streets and public property and restoring them to their original condition before the event.
The applicant is the designated contact person responsible for the event and must remain on-site until the end of the party.
All regulations and By Laws of the City of Beaconsfield must be adhered to.
Surprise visits and animation
The City of Beaconsfield wants to help you and your neighbours have the best block party possible.
The Connecting Beaconsfield team has prepared resources to make your party extra fun and easier to plan.
Parties organized on the following dates might include a surprise visit and a special activity from the Connecting Beaconsfield team:
Saturday, July 6
Saturday, July 13
Saturday, August 3
Saturday, August 10
Party in a box
These are themed kits filled with materials and accessories for your party.
Consult the theme and activity guide
These are kits that are loaned out for neighbourhood parties. They will need to be returned after the party, along with all the equipment.
Here is what they contain:
Thematic decorations
Portable photobooth
Snakes and Ladders game, special for Beaconsfield neighbourhood parties
Sidewalk chalk
And a selection of 3 games from the following:
Potato sack race bags
Giant bubble kit
Volleyball net
Giant checkers game
Giant parachute
Skipping ropes
Croquet set
Giant Jenga
And many more!
The Connectons team will contact you to provide further details.
Gift cards
You could benefit from a gift card to help absorb some of the expenses associated with purchasing food for your party (excluding alcohol).
Once your authorization request is submitted, the Connectons team will contact you to provide further details.
About the authorization
Email: loisirs@beaconsfield.ca
To get tips on how to organize your party, regarding the party kits and special activities
Phone : 514 428-4400, ext. 4473