Welcome to Beaconsfield!
To help you ease into your new neighbourhood and new city, here is some useful information:
It is with great pride that I welcome you to our lovely City of Beaconsfield as a new resident. In collaboration with other local administrative bodies, the municipal team is completely dedicated to providing you with a healthy, safe and pleasant place to live.
Beaconsfielders have access to a wide range of programs and services. The City provides facilities to satisfy the needs of all age groups. These include Centennial Hall, our Cultural Centre; the Recreation Centre which houses a regulation size skating rink, a semi-Olympic size pool, a gymnasium; a youth centre; and an adjacent outdoor skate park; and the Library which attracts large numbers of young and old patrons. Both groups enjoy its large collection of books and e-books, its excellent reference services, as well as its activities, exhibitions, workshops and lectures.
We are proud of the many parks and green spaces in all parts of Beaconsfield. We are completely committed to the principle of sustainable development. Our plan outlines the measures considered most important if we are to attain our goal. Success depends on the cooperation of all members of every household. Each daily activity must produce a positive result.
To learn more about our City, I suggest that you pay frequent visits to our website. This permanent, constantly updated link between the administration and residents provides news, details of our resources, details of our policy and the guidelines we follow, as well as information about the many services we offer to residents.
CONTACT, the municipal magazine, is another important source of knowledge for residents. It is published nine times each year and distributed without charge to all local homes, businesses and institutions.
I hope that you will enjoy yourself here and that you will enjoy the beautiful quality of life that is offered to you.
Georges Bourelle
All about collections
Residents are strongly encouraged to use recycling, home composting, and reuse services to divert the maximum amount of waste sent to landfills unnecessarily.
Be a good neighbour
Some essential rules of neighbourly respect for the well-being of all.
City Council adopts numerous by-laws intended to protect the interests of residents and the municipality and to ensure the quality of life of the community.
Code Red: Automated call system
Are you a new resident? Create your profile in the automated call system, which will contact you in case of emergency.
Cultural Events
Shows, concerts, exhibitions ... there is something for everyone!
If you have a dog, you must obtain a license valid for two years from July 1 to June 30. This license is available at City Hall.
Garage sale
Garage sales are permitted in residential zones provided that no more than two such sales per year take place on any residential landsite and that they do not last more than two consecutive days. A permit is required.
The Leisure Department offers a variety of sports activities. Get your Leisure Card at the Recreation Centre.
The Library attracts a large clientele of young and less young who come to appreciate its rich collections including digital books, excellent reference services and a rich and diverse program of activities, exhibitions, lectures and workshops.
It is prohibited to park on any public street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. all year round.
A temporary permit may be granted for overnight parking on a public street under certain conditions: renovations, repaving of a driveway, visitors. To obtain such a permit, please call 514 428-4400 or, after business hours, contact Municipal Patrol at 514 428-5999.
On-street parking during a snowfall
To ensure that snow is removed quickly and efficiently, Section 5.2 of Traffic By-law 780 regarding winter parking stipulates that it is forbidden to immobilize a road vehicle on a public street or space during any snowfall of 2.5 cm or more, or within six hours after the end of such a snowfall. Vehicles interfering with snow removal operations will be towed away at the owners’ expense with a fine.
Renovation, construction and permits
If you are planning renovation or construction work on your property, you or your professional executor must ensure that the project complies with all applicable municipal by-laws and obtain the necessary permit or certificate before proceeding with the work. Beaconsfield’s Urban Planning Department is composed of a team of professionals who are dedicated to assisting you in your projects.
Public schools in Beaconsfield are managed by the following school boards:
Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (French language schools)
Phone: 514 855-4500
Lester B. Pearson School Board (English language schools)
Phone: 514 422-3000
Cégep Gérald-Godin (French)
15 615 Gouin Ouest Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H9H 5K8
Phone: 514 626-2666
John Abbott College (English)
21 275 Lakeshore Road
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3L9
Phone: 514 457-6610
As an Age-Friendly Municipality, the City cares about its senior residents, seeks to improve their living conditions and demonstrates their importance in the community.
Service québécois du changement d'adresse
Have you thought of making your change of address on the website of the Service québécois du changement d'adresse? In doing so, you notify six government ministries and agencies of your change of address in just one step.
Snow removal
The snow from your driveway must be kept on your property and not ploughed onto the street. Dumping or throwing snow on streets, sidewalks, fire hydrants, public places or private property other than your own, is prohibited and subject to a minimum fine of $100.
All invoices and bills issued by the City of Beaconsfield can be paid electronically from your bank account or in person at City Hall. Payments can be made by cash, cheque or Interac.
The Mayor and Councillors
City Council is composed of a mayor and six (6) councillors. Beaconsfield is divided into six electoral districts. Each district is represented by a councillor elected by voters from the district. The mayor is elected by all voters in the City.
Universal accessibility
Consult the City's action plan for the integration of disabled people into the community. The goal is to identify physical barriers, communication problems and obstacles to accessing goods and services which create issues for disabled persons and find solutions to them.
The water used for watering is usually treated drinking water. It is therefore essential to respect the regulation on the use of drinking water.
West Island Community Resource Centre (CRC)
For over 30 years, the CRC has been connecting West Island citizens with the resources and information they need.
Stay informed about municipal news!
Download this application that centralizes your interactions with the City! Receive important notices and news by email or text message, make requests, ask questions or write comments and keep track of the progress of your file.
Facebook and Instagram
Find out about cultural gatherings, events and awareness campaigns on a daily basis.
Municipal magazine CONTACT
The municipal magazine CONTACT is published five times a year and is distributed free to homes. To keep up-to-date on activities, current news and services in our City, this reference and information guide is essential reading.
Register for our email list Beaconsfield Updates and receive important notices as well as updates regarding services, programs and events, council meetings and public consultations.
Contact us
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