Our mission is to provide an inclusive community offering a high quality of life that respects the natural and built environments through responsible and innovative management.
Drop Off Site
300 Beaurepaire Drive
Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 3C1
Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday: 7:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Saturday (only from April to the end of November): 9 a.m. to noon
Public Works
300 Beaurepaire Drive
Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 3C1
Telephone: 514 428-4500
Fax: 514 428-4511
Opening Hours
- Monday to Thursday: From 7:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.
- Friday: From 7:30 a.m. to noon
Street lights
If you notice that a street light is defective, please write down the number registered on the light pole or the nearest address where the street light is located, and contact Public Works at 514 428-4500.
After notifying Public Works, the repair will be done in the following ten (10) days.
Property markers
By-law BEAC-033 allows the use of property markers between April 15 and October 31. They must be placed on the grass, spaced 3 m apart and should be concrete white in colour, no higher than 250 mm, no longer or wider than 200 mm at the base and not attached to the ground.
If you install snow markers to protect your roadside property, they must be at least 1.5 m high and be placed at least 1 m from the edge of the pavement.
Public Works will remove any posts not conforming to this standard.
Septic tank cleaning
Provincial regulations require cleaning of septic tanks once every two years. For residents who do not have access to the domestic sewer service, the City will assume the costs up to $175, plus taxes, for basic cleaning. Additional costs will be assumed by homeowner.
Road Work 2024
Road construction season will start this spring. These works will undoubtedly cause some temporary inconveniences. We urge all pedestrians, cyclists and motorists to take care when around or near a construction site.
For more information, please call the Public Works technical support at 514 428-4500.
Preliminary Action Plan
Storm Debby: torrential rain and floodings August 9 and 10, 2024
Following the floodings of August 9, 2024, the City of Beaconsfield is committed to implementing an action plan to strengthen our community’s resilience to extreme weather events. This multi-phased plan is based on an in-depth analysis of the most vulnerable areas, raising public awareness, and implementing sustainable solutions to protect our infrastructure and homes. The steps outlined in the preliminary action plan demonstrate our commitment to act quickly while planning in an intelligent and collaborative manner.
Sump pumps
Call for vigilance regarding the sewer lines in your sector
The Public Works department has noticed that certain sewer lines in your sector are blocked due to an accumulation of small branches and other small bits of debris which can only be there if they were purposefully put down the gaps in the sewer grates. Recently, the accumulation of debris has caused many sewer back-ups.
We would ask for your cooperation in stopping this recurring issue in your sector by asking you to inform your children and anyone else who you might see putting debris in the gaps in the sewer grates of the consequences of their actions.
Thank you for your cooperation.