Age-friendly municipality
What is an Age-friendly municipality?
Founded in 2007 by the World Health Organization, the goal of the Age-Friendly Municipality (AFM) strategy is to promote active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance the quality of life as people age. In practical terms, an age-friendly city adapts its structures and services to be accessible to, and inclusive of, older people. Active ageing depends on a variety of factors that surround individuals, families and communities. These include both material conditions as well as social factors.
An Age-friendly Municipality (AFM):
- recognizes that seniors have a wide range of capacities
- anticipates and responds to age-related needs
- respects the decisions and lifestyle choices of seniors
- protects those who are more vulnerable
- promotes the inclusion and contributions of seniors
Subscribing to the AFM strategy provides the City of Beaconsfield with a guide to adapting municipal policies, services and infrastructure to the reality and needs of an aging population. This approach aims to establish a Seniors Policy and to develop an action plan that allows seniors to age while remaining active in their community.
*Work on renewing the MADA plan will begin in the coming months.
Monthly seniors rendez-vous
One afternoon per month, head to the Herb Linder Annex for an activity specially reserved for people aged 55 and over. Find the dates and topics covered in each meeting in Contact, or in the events section.
Social events for seniors
Because it's important to connect with your neighbors and fellow citizens, the City of Beaconsfield organizes three social events exclusively for seniors each year. You'll find the dates and locations of these events in Contact, or in the events section.
These events are part of the City of Beaconsfield's AFM strategy.
The City's web site is full of regularly updated interesting information.
Social media and applications
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find out about events and activities in Beaconsfield.
Sign up for bciti+ to stay in touch with what's happening in the City, send requests and have your library card in your phone.
Leisure services
Fitness classes
Register for a fitness class at the Recreation Centre.
Residents 60 years and over enjoy a 50% discount.
Pickleball is a fun, easy to learn sport that combines elements of various other racquet sports. It is a fast paced, low impact game that is great for hand-eye coordination, mental alertness and to encourage socialization
Equipment and instruction provided
Information: 514 428-4520
Line dancing
Line dancing makes all your muscles work, improves blood fl ow, pumps the heart and lungs and, most of all, it’s fun! It is ideal for singles or couples, requires no special equipment and is easy to learn. 50% off for residents 60+
Information: 514 428-4520
Get outside and walk
It's cheap, it's simple, it provides a multitude of health benefits and almost anybody can do it. Here some tips to get you walking:
- Find a walking buddy: a neighbour, a friend or even a group
- Choose a familiar route that is flat and free of obstacles
- Wear supportive footwear with non-skid soles
- Dress for the weather, layers are best and drink plenty of water
- Stop or take a break if you feel any pain during your walk
- Consult a health care provider before starting a new exercise routine
Programs and services to seniors
Reference services
If you're looking for information and don't know where to turn, contact the library: our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be happy to guide you to the right resources.
- Phone number: 514 428-4460
- Email:
Techno Squad and Techno Squad on Wheels
The library offers a free program by and for seniors to help you become self-sufficient with new technologies: Escouade Techno and Escouade Techno Mobile.
Check our online calendar of events to find out about upcoming sessions, or contact the library to be matched with a senior volunteer ready to help you with technology.
Volunteering Opportunities
Get Your Read On!
Be paired with a child for weekly read-aloud sessions. Your role: listen and help with comprehension and pronunciation.
Techno Squad and Techno Squad on Wheels
Are you comfortable with technology? Volunteer with our Techno Squad, and help your fellow citizens better understand their tech devices!
Handy Seniors
Are you a tinkerer? Can you fix all kinds of things? Become a Handy Senior and take part in our Community Repair Days!
Home delivery of Library materials
Would you like to help out once a month or so? Give us your name and deliver library materials to users who can't come to the library.
Programs and services for seniors by the Government of Quebec
This guide contains information on the different government programs and services for seniors.
Free public transit for seniors
Residents of the agglomeration of Montréal who are 65 and over can get the STM's Free 65+ All Modes A fare now:
To register for this program, you must apply in person at :
- A station agent in a Montréal métro station
- The STM Fairview Pointe-Claire terminus
- A metropolitan ticket office in Zone A
For more details, visit the STM's webpage on the subject.
211 Grand Montréal
211 is an information and referral service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
211 Community resources directory is also available on the web. In collaboration with community organizations, all information on social and community resources is updated annually.
With the help of statistics from calls and web frequency, 211 sheds a light to government officials and decision-makers on social needs and in determining missing resources that are needed.
211 service helps curb poverty and social exclusion, giving the people with non-urgent social needs rapid information on the social and community resources that will help them find solutions to move beyond their precarious situations.
211 is a free service, largely accessible especially for low-income people, seniors and newcomers.
West Island Community Ressource Center (CRC)
The CRC is a community based nonprofit organization serving the West Island community which connects citizens with the resources they need. The CRC provides information and offers a referral service by phone or email and in person. The CRC also publishes the West Island Seniors Resource Guide, available on the CRC website or at the Beaconsfield Library.
The CRC now offers a Mobile Information and Referral Program for isolated and vulnerable seniors. A CRC Mobile worker is available to meet with West Island seniors to help them navigate the many specialized community support resources that are available. This one on one service is available in a location convenient for seniors, including their homes.
Resources and information:
Community sports and leisure associations
Beaconsfield 55+ club
Regular get-togethers are held the first Wednesday of the month at the Herb Linder Annex from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated.
Drop-in and meet seniors in your area! Share your ideas as Club members; work together to create a program that meets your interests.
Beaconsfield lawn bowling club (bowling – bridge – social)
Lawn bowling is an easy to learn, low impact sport for all ages, and is played from May until October up to six times a week. The sport is well suited for seniors and anyone with physical limitations or capabilities. No equipment required. Take advantage of the Club's free dedicated trials with experienced bowlers starting May.
In addition to lawn bowling, they also play bridge weekly at the Herb Linder Annex and host social events all year around.
The Club boasts a low new membership fee and a growing community.
Questions? You can reach the BLBC by:
Phone: 438 228-9765
Social and active life
West Island Citizen Advocacy (WICA)
WICA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to match seniors or persons with a physical or intellectual disability with volunteers in order to improve their quality of life, break their isolation, build their self-reliance and facilitate their social integration.
WICA also offers a Seniors Advocacy Program which aims to assist and educate seniors who are facing fi nancial, physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation. They provide information on senior abuse and defense of rights. It provides emotional or practical support with staff and/or volunteer advocates.
NOVA West Island
NOVA West Island is a non-profit, volunteer-driven, community-based healthcare organization with more than a century of providing comprehensive, compassionate, quality care to vulnerable individuals in the community. The primary mandate is to provide specialized care and support in the home to cancer and ALS clients during the course of the illness and particularly in the palliative stage. Other programs include bereavement support for children and adults, adult day centers, home support services and foot care clinics. ALS and Alzheimer Caregivers Support Groups are also available.
Volunteer West Island (VWI)
In addition to promoting volunteer opportunities from various organizations on the West Island, VWI offers a number of programs for seniors, including::
- Contact Program
- Bilingual telephone service for West Island residents 55 and over who feel isolated and would appreciate hearing a friendly voice three times a week.
- Pair Program
- Free automated call service to verify that residents are in good health, or perhaps to remind them to take their medication
- The Young at Heart 55+ Club
- Leisure activities, outings.
Literacy Unlimited – Unlimited Seniors Club
Literacy Unlimited has a new seniors program with weekly literacy-friendly workshops with simple registration. The workshops do not focus on reading and writing. For West island seniors 55 years and older.
Beaconsfield United Church’s Seniors Programs
Dance, coffee, games, art, etc. Beaconsfield United Church offers several programs for seniors.
SPVM Seniors Zone
In the Seniors Zone of the SPVM website, you will find information on crime affecting seniors and prevention tips specifically for them.
Canadian anti-fraud centre
The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre collects information on fraud and identity theft, as well as provide information on past and current scams affecting Canadians.
Fraud prevention toolkit for older adults
A toolkit created by the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) to help older adults identify scams and take proactive steps to protect their personal information and finances from fraud.
The Elder mistreatment helpline
Phone number: 1 888 489-2287
A call to the Elder Mistreatment Helpline (LAAA) provides you with information on the different types of mistreatment and the effect they can have on your quality of life, your physical health and your psychosocial well-being. It also provides you with information on the resources available at your disposal to support you in this difficult situation and / or to help you put an end to it.
Vulnerable person registry
You may be a vulnerable person without knowing it.
Who to call and when?
A brief guide to important phone numbers
911 - Dial 9-1-1 in an emergency situation requiring rapid intervention by firefighters, police or ambulance (crime in progress, life or physical integrity threatened)
811 - Contact Info-Santé (8-1-1) when you have questions about your health, but your life is not in danger
211 - Information and referral service by telephone (2-1-1) and on the web for Québec's socio-community resources
Neighbourhood police station 1 (514 280-0101) - When you wish to inform police of a non-emergency situation
988 - Suicide crisis helpline
Municipal Patrol and Public Works (514 428-5999) - When there is a problem with municipal infrastructures outside of Public Works opening hours, or when you wish to report an incident related to municipal by-laws to the Municipal Patrol
Library reference service (514 428-4400, ext. 4470) - When you are looking for information and do not know where to start
Newsletter from the Minister for Seniors
There is a ton of information older Canadians need to know, and sometimes it can be hard to keep track of it all. That is why the monthly Minister for Seniors’ newsletter is such a valuable tool.
Easy to navigate, the newsletter provides subscribers with monthly updates on important topics related to seniors, such as upcoming senior tax information webinars, fraud prevention, and more. It also includes an exclusive personalized message from the Minister!
Another benefit when you subscribe? These updates get sent straight to your inbox, which you can access on a computer, laptop or cellular device!