Distributed four times a year in the Contact magazine, this programming details seasonal sports, recreation and cultural courses. Check the dates, skim through the programs and register!
For Beaconsfield's residents: Tuesday, March 18 beginning at 8 a.m.
For non-residents: Tuesday, March 25 beginning at 8 a.m.
Anyone wishing to register must have an active IC3 account. Please ensure that you activate your account and that all family members are listed at least 48 hours BEFORE the registration period. Those who had an account on the old online registration platform before 2023 must also create and activate a new account. If you have any questions or require support, please contact the Culture and Leisure Department at 514 428-4520 or loisirs@beaconsfield.ca.
Creating an account
Follow the steps to create an account, activate and register your account.
If you have never had an account and therefore do not have a PIN, you must complete the form to request a PIN. Return the completed form with the required documents listed at the bottom of the form to loisirs@beaconsfield.ca. Your PIN will be e-mailed to you as soon as it has been validated. When you receive your PIN, follow the outlined steps to create an account.