The City adopted the Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Reduction Plan in the Spring of 2021. The Climate Action Plan, a synthesis of these two plans, presents the principal sources of GHG and the local vulnerabilities, and identifies specific projects to reduce GHG and limit climate risk. The actions undertaken will serve to make our community more resilient to climate and environmental change.
Consult the Climate Change Adaptation Plan (French only)
Consult the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan (French only)
GHG reduction in Beaconsfield
Principal sources of GHG in Beaconsfield:
Municipality: Natural gas heating of buildings and fuel consumption of municipal fleet
Community: Transportation and fossil fuel heating of homes
Actions targeted by the City to reduce GHG emission by over 30%:
To convert buildings’ heating source to electricity
To install innovative hybrid system for trucks as part of pilot project
What you can do (contact the City for more information):
Implement house retrofits especially for heating oil and natural gas
Ask for your guide on Beaconsfield houses and heating types
Climate change adaptation in Beaconsfield
Principal climate vulnerabilities in Beaconsfield:
- The overloading of the sanitary sewer system
- The loss of canopy for the mature urban forest
Actions targeted by the City:
- To rehabilitate the ditch system to manage stormwater
- To enhance the strategic tree planting program with various species adapted to the local environment
What you can do (contact the City for more information):
- Ensure water from property and sump pump drains to municipal ditch
- Ask the City to plant a tree on municipal land in front of your property
- Ask for a guide regarding Beaconsfield properties
Community participation
Tree planting programs
Free Tree Planting on Public Property
Trees contribute to the improvement of the microclimate and air quality, to the reduction of dust, carbon dioxide and urban pollution. The tree planting program favours the planting of trees in parks, public grounds and roadsides.
As part of its annual tree planting program, Beaconsfield offers to its residents the opportunity to request and obtain a tree free of charge, planted fronting their property, on the portion of land belonging to the City. As quantities are limited, we suggest registering your requests for plantation as soon as possible by filling out this form.
The City of Beaconsfield offers you the opportunity to choose a tree from a pre-established list. A consultation with the city's inspector will help determine the tree species best suited to your residential environment. Planting the right tree in the right place is essential to ensure its proper development.
All trees planted by the City on public property will be planted during the fall.
Please note that these trees cannot be used as a replacement for a felled tree on private property.
You Want to Plant a Tree on City Property?
Why Do I Need Approval?
Approval is necessary to ensure that trees planted on City property are the right species in the right location and spaced appropriately apart for future maintenance.
Approval is also required to ensure that the planting location is free of underground utilities and is not in an area designated for future municipal development, i.e. utility installation, road widening, etc.
For approval, fill out this form.
Recipe for Success
Trees survive best if planted in early spring or late fall.
Planting instructions and spacing regulations will be provided.
Remember: All trees planted on City property become the property of the City of Beaconsfield.
Planting Tips
Do not plant your tree too close to a building, driveway or street or under overhead power lines.
Do not plant near underground lines, such as water mains, sewers, power lines or gas lines.
Dig a hole slightly larger and deeper than the root ball. This way you can add some planting soil when you fill in the hole.
Add mulch around the trunk, but do not bury it. You can lay down some sheets of newspaper under the mulch to reduce the growth of weeds.
Water it…but don't drown it! Water it once or twice a week for the first two years. Avoid over-watering. Letting the soil dry out a little between watering encourages root growth. Take special care during very hot days, but be sure to comply with the municipal watering by-law.
Protect the trunk in the winter, at least for the first few years. Rodents love tree bark!
Subsidy to Plant Trees on Private Property
The City of Beaconsfield will once again take part in the Ensemble on verdit residential greening campaign. With the expertise of the non-profit organization GRAME, we are making the purchasing and planting process easier than ever by offering a competitively priced turnkey service which includes:
A tree of your choice among the species available
Delivery and planting with mulch and nutrients
Tips for taking care of your tree
A one-year warranty
Climate action week
Cultural and sports associations, schools, churches and businesses are invited to participate in Climate Action Week. Share your initiatives and actions on climate change by contacting us at climat‑