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Municipal patrol

Municipal Patrol:514 428-5999

Patrollers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

They patrol Beaconsfield territory, and enforce city by-laws related to: 

  • Parking and obstruction of public roads 

  • Surveillance of parks and public buildings 

  • Respect of public property (graffiti, etc.) 

  • Noise, disturbance, nuisance 

  • Domestic and wild animals, etc. 

Did you know: the City has defibrillators at multiple locations throughout its territory 

Public works Municipal Patrol 260 Municipal Patrol 302 Heights Park 
Arena Herb Linder Annex Municipal Patrol 311 Beacon Hill Park 
Pool City Hall Christmas Park Shannon Park 
Centennial City Hall Windermere Park  Briarwood Park 

Emergency measures and self-sufficiency

Although the City of Beaconsfield has done its best to guarantee the safety and security of its citizens, there is always the possibility that something along the lines of the Ice Storm of 1998 might recur. Under such circumstances the City would be unable to shelter and feed its entire population of more than 20 000 residents and it would fall on individual citizens to be self-sufficient until such time as the respective authorities geared up on a large scale to provide the necessary help and support. 

Please consult the presentation on Civil Protection in Montreal - September 28, 2015

Self-sufficiency kit 

We ask that each family prepare for emergency by putting together a 3 to 6 day self-sufficient kit that is easily accessible and ready for use on short notice.

You will need the following items in your kit, all of which should be rotated with new stock regularly. 

  • Food (non-perishable) 

  • Manual can opener 

  • Drinking water. Minimum of one gallon per person per day, which can include juices or soft drinks 

  • Light sources (flashlights, candles, lanterns etc.) 

  • Batteries 

  • Medical kit 

  • Hygiene supplies 

  • Portable radio 

  • Firewood or other heat supply 

  • Matches (in waterproof container) 

  • Fire extinguisher 

  • Child and infant supplies 

  • Pet food and pet medication 

  • Cooking fuel or propane for the barbecue (outdoors only) 

  • Gas for vehicle and generator 

  • Extra fuel for lanterns (use with caution) 

  • Money for three to six days (not more) 

  • Snacks/treats 

  • Games and entertainment 

  • Generator (if possible) 

  • Back-up pumping system (if needed) 

  • Sleeping bags, blankets, warm clothing 

  • Change of clothing and footwear 

  • List of emergency telephone numbers 

  • List of family & friends phone numbers 

  • List of important documents and where to find them (passports, insurance policies, Health Insurance Card, etc.) 

Communications in a Crisis 

The City will attempt to provide as much information as possible during an emergency. News releases will be posted at municipal buildings and communicated to television and radio stations. Information would be delivered to all homes if needed. If you are leaving home, make sure that your neighbour or the municipality knows how to reach you. If you have identified yourself as a resident requiring assistance in case of emergency, it is essential to let the City know when you decide not to remain in your home.


An undertaking of this magnitude requires many volunteers. If you are interested in having your name added to the volunteer list, please call 514 428-4410. 

You can help in registration, meals maintenance, general help, as a driver, for child care, entertainment, etc. Volunteers with special skills (medical, technical) or civil defence experience would also be needed. 

Emergency shelter

Please call 514 428-4400 for information on open facilities 

Municipal facility with services
suitable for emergency shelter 



Services available on site 

Beaconsfield Recreation Centre 

1974 City Lane 


Kitchen, showers 

Emergency numbers



Police, Fire, Ambulance - Life threatening 


Police - Not life threatening 

514 280-2222 ou 514 280-0101

Municipal Patrol 

514 428-5999

City Hall 

514 428-4400

Public Works 

514 428-4500

Fire Service 


Animal Control 

514 428-5999

C.L.S.C. du Lac St-Louis

514 697-4110 

Bell Canada 


Hydro Quebec 

Power outages:1 800 790-2424 (24 hours) 

Visit the power outages page for the list of outages or to report one. 

Customer service and complaints: 514 385-7252  

Visit the complaints page to file an online complaint.

Natural disaster: Your pet in case of evacuation

Your dog or cat is more than a pet: it is often a member of the family, so there is no question of leaving it behind if you have to evacuate your home in case of a natural disaster.

Because of hygiene and safety regulations, pets are not allowed in temporary evacuee shelters set up by the City. To solve this problem, the City of Beaconsfield has signed an agreement with Humane Society International /Canada, a national animal protection organization with expertise in natural disaster preparedness and response for companion animals displaced by hurricanes, tornados, flooding, earthquakes and other destructive acts of God.

In the eventuality of a natural disaster, HSC/Canada is committed to setting up and running safe emergency shelters to care for affected animals.


PDQ 1 offers the following main services to the residents of its territory: 

  • Engraving 

  • Verification of children's car seats 

  • Presentations to school children (street gangs, drugs) 

  • Safety visits and advice 

  • Citizens' committees 

  • Door-to-door visits (advice to citizens) 

  • Conference room for organizations 

  • Road safety meetings and presentations 

  • Meeting and follow-up with road safety complainants 

  • Bicycle safety 

  • Parent-teen conciliation meetings 

  • Identification booklets 


Did you know that the SPVM offers SafeTradingZones for people who conduct online transactions on goods sales and exchange sites? These safezones are spaces under video surveillance 24/7 that allow you to meet the people with whom an online transaction has been made and to exchange the goods sold.The SPVM has opened a new SafeTradingZone at the PDQ1, 2883 St.-Charles Blvd., available 24/7More information

For additional information, visit the following websites: 


It is prohibited to park on any public street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. all year round.

A temporary permit may be granted for overnight parking on a public street under certain conditions: renovations, repaving of a driveway, visitors. To obtain such a permit, please call 514 428-4400 or, after business hours, contact Municipal Patrol at 514 428-5999.

On-street parking during a snowfall

To ensure that snow is removed quickly and efficiently, Section 5.2 of Traffic By-law 780 regarding winter parking stipulates that it is forbidden to immobilize a road vehicle on a public street or space during any snowfall of 2.5 cm or more, or within six hours after the end of such a snowfall. Vehicles interfering with snow removal operations will be towed away at the owners’ expense with a fine.

Fireworks at home

According to By-law BEAC-033, it is prohibited to set off fireworks or fire crackers within the City without a permit from the City of Montreal Fire Department.
Fireworks can have serious consequences. They can also be a source of stress for some of our fellow citizens and for our pets.

Waterfront signage: water safety

In 2024, the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, in collaboration with the agglomerations, related cities, and the Société de sauvetage du Québec, launched a waterfront signage project.

Information panels have been installed at the City's non-motorized water access points:

The purpose of these signs is to inform boaters and raise awareness of potential hazards near water access points. For boating safety tips, visit the Naviguer Montréal page (in French only) on the Société de sauvetage website.

Municipal by-laws

Frequently asked questions concerning by-laws

The City has many by-laws and it can sometimes be difficult to find the exact information you're looking for. Here, you'll find the most frequently asked about by-laws, along with a short explanation of their key points.

Find out more