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Because every drop counts! 

Water is essential to our daily lives. It is required to grow our crops and sustain life, not to mention the host of everyday activities we have come to depend upon. With an ever increasing population our demands are already straining existing municipal filtration plants and delivery systems. 

Even though water is considered a renewable resource, humans are consuming it faster than it can naturally be replenished. We, as consumers, need to focus on changing our water habits to ensure that future generations will have water to survive. 

Each household has the ability to reduce their present water consumption by at least 10-40% without any major changes to lifestyle. 

Did you know?

  • One dripping faucet can waste up to 10 000 litres of water in a year. Often these leaks can be fixed for under $10. 

  • A leaking toilet wastes 100,000L/yr. enough to fill a swimming pool. 

  • Other common causes of water waste at home are faulty plumbing, and over-use when watering the lawn and washing the car. 

Learn more:

Watch Le cycle de l'eau, a video produced by the City of Montreal Water Department.  You will discover the extent and complexity of Montreal's impressive underground. 

Drinking water conservation kit

If you change your water consumption habits, you will soon see the outcome of your efforts. 

The City purchased water conservation kits that it offers to residents at a discount price. Get an aerator for your tap and a high quality handheld shower head for the modest sum of $10 + tax. This WaterSense® certified equipment from the Solutions Écofitt brand and has a 10-year warranty. Each appliance permits a 40% reduction in water consumption. 

Residents can purchase this kit at City Hall’s reception desk during business hours from Monday to Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to noon. 


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Drinking water quality

Since 2013, the City of Montreal has been sampling water at approximately 10 addresses on our territory on a yearly basis to test for the presence of lead. To date, no property in Beaconsfield exceeds Ministère de l’Environnement et Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC)  standards. This is a responsibility of the Agglomeration of Montreal. You can also consult the most recent report on water quality in Beaconsfield on the Ville de Montréal website. 

Annual reports

This annual water sampling campaign meets the requirements of the MELCC under the Regulation respecting the quality of drinking water in Quebec. 

For more information, you can consult the following links: 

Regarding lead which can come from your service entrance or from internal piping and fittings, we invite you to contact a plumber in order to carry out the required verifications. 

Following the 2021 sampling campaign in Beaconsfield, one address registered as having an amount of lead exceeding the regulatory standard. Thus, and in accordance with Section 36.2 of the provincial Regulation respecting the quality of drinking water, the City of Beaconsfield must establish an action plan including a description of the measures it intends to take to remedy the situation as well as a detailed schedule of these measures. 

Consult the action plan

If you wish to have your water sampled, you can contact an accredited laboratory for an analysis of lead in drinking water. However, you will have to bear the costs. The list of laboratories accredited by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux is available in the MELCC information sheet. 

Water network

Flushing of the water network is scheduled from mid-April to mid-June. This may temporarily alter the appearance of your running water. If your water is dirty or discoloured (reddish or yellow), let your cold water run for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, after which time it should return to normal. If it does not, please contact Public Works at 514 428-4500. A notice is generally mailed before work is started. 

If the City should need to shut off the water supply to make repairs to the system in your area, you will hear a first warning signal approximately 15 to 20 minutes beforehand, in order to allow you to make provision for water during the repairs. The warning signal will be repeated a second time when the water has been turned off. 

In most circumstances, service will be interrupted for a period of three to five hours. Once service is restored, if your water is discoloured with a yellowish or reddish tinge, allow it to run a few minutes until it is clear. 

Storm sewers

Beaconsfield's sanitary drain network was never built to handle storm water drainage and it is strictly forbidden and illegal to connect your sump pump to the sanitary sewer. This is against the plumbing code and will lead to penalties and legal action. 

Rain barrel

The rain barrel is the ideal solution to give your plants water of great quality throughout the whole summer while protecting the environment!  Each summer on the island of Montreal, gardening is responsible for 30% of the demands in potable water.  This increase in the demand puts a stress on potable water reserves, on the ecosystem and water filtration expenses.  So all the reasons are good to prevent the unnecessary waste of water. 

The City of Beaconsfield subsidizes the purchase of environmentally-friendly equipment for residents. Get a rain barrel for $40. Proof of residency is required.

Learn more about the product

To purchase the equipment: 

  • Pay for it at the City Hall reception desk, 303 Beaconsfield Blvd.   

  • Pick it up, with your receipt, at the bulk material centre behind Public Works, 300 Beaurepaire.  

Outdoor water conservation

The exterior use of water is permitted as follows: 

  • Manual watering of vegetation using a hose fitted with an automatic shut-off device is permitted at all times. 

  • The watering of a new lawn, newly planted trees or shrubs and new landscaping is permitted at any time of day for 15 days following the start of the work. 

  • The watering of lawns and other plantings is permitted only from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. if the water is distributed by automatic sprinkler systems, and only from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. if the water is distributed by oscillating water sprinklers: 

  • NORTH of autoroute 20 – Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 

  • SOUTH of autoroute 20 – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

These watering schedules were implemented to reduce water consumption and to minimize waste. Indeed, the capacity of water production plants to produce drinking water must be equal or greater than the maximum demand. By respecting the water restrictions, you will help the City reduce expenses for the maintenance, repair, and upgrade of the water supply network, which in turn saves money for all of us. 

For more information, see By-law BEAC-070 or consult our watering restrictions leaflet. 

Strategies to reduce watering needs: 

  • Less frequent but longer watering (about once a week) encourages the deepening of roots and helps them grow stronger. 

  • Practise grasscycling and mulching (leaving mowed grass clippings and fallen leaves on the lawn) to reduce water evaporation from the soil. 

  • Make sure to water as close to the ground as possible and not on the leaves. 

  • Clean patios, terraces, driveways, and roads by sweeping them with a broom instead of spraying them with water. 

Other ways you can help us protect our greatest natural resource: 

  • Use a rain barrel to water your garden ($40 at Public Works). 

  • Do not let water from your hose run unnecessarily onto the street or onto neighbouring properties. 

  • Wash your car using a bucket or a hose fitted with an automatic shut-off device. 

  • Maintain your house plumbing in good working condition.

Water meters

Every year, a firm under contract to the City will take the reading of your water meter in September. Residences are charged for annual water consumption in addition to an annual base fee. If you are moving, please notify us by calling 514 428-4400. 

Learn about the cost of water consumption

Watering Restrictions

The watering of lawns and other plantings is permitted only from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. if the water is distributed by automatic sprinkler systems, and only from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. if the water is distributed by oscillating water sprinklers: 

  • NORTH of autoroute 20 – Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 
  • SOUTH of autoroute 20 – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

Manual watering of vegetation using a hose fitted with an automatic shut-off device is permitted at all times. The watering of a new lawn, newly planted trees or shrubs and new landscaping is permitted at any time of day for 15 days following the start of the work. 

Filling a pool or a spa:

  1. Prohibited Hours
    Filling a pool or spa is prohibited between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.
  2. Exceptions
    • New equipment: it is permitted to use water from the distribution network at any time to install a new pool or spa in order to preserve the shape of the structure.
    • Seasonal filling: the first filling of a pool or spa can be done at any time but must be completed before June 21 of each year.

Concerning vehicles and driveways:

  1. The washing of vehicles is permitted at all times on condition that a bucket or a hose fitted with an automatic shut-off device is used. 
  2. The washing of driveways is permitted from April 1 to May 15 only or during construction that justifies the washing of the driveway.

For more information, consult By-law BEAC-070, or our document on watering restrictions.

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