Collections and waste management
Collection calendars North South Instructions for collections Consult the explanations Overlooked bin? For garbage, recycling, organic materials, and bulky items collections Make sure collection instructions were followed: day and time,...
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All about collections
Residents are strongly encouraged to use recycling, home composting, and reuse services to divert the maximum amount of waste sent to landfills unnecessarily. Visit the section for more information
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How to subscribe to the collections calendar (web)
Download the instruction sheet
Frequently asked questions - Collections and waste management
December 2021
...ember 29, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. December 30, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. January 3, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Garbage and recycling collections will be held as usual on Thursdays. You can still reach personnel who can provide essential services (sewer...
April 2022
...APRIL 2022 RESTONS EN CONTACT | LET’S KEEP IN TOUCH DANS CE NUMÉRO|IN THIS ISSUE 12 Aînés Seniors Collectes Collections 16 23 22 Moniteurs de camps de jour recherchés Hiring Day Camp Leaders Camps de jour Day Camps Pourquoi revi...
December 2023
...12 Aînés Seniors 14 Activités des Fêtes Holiday activities Calendrier des collectes 2024 (à conserver) 2024 Collections calendar (please keep handy) En page centrale | At center Cette revue est recyclable et imprimée sur papier rec...
February 2024
...ontacter la Ville par courriel via info@beaconsfield.ca. Pour les collectes non ramassées, envoyez un courriel à collectes.collections@beaconsfield.ca le soir même après 19 h ou avant 10 h 30 le lendemain. Roger Moss District 5 514 426-2144 ro...
December 2024
...R 2024 DANS CE NUMÉRO | IN THIS ISSUE Voisins connecteurs Neighbour connectors Calendrier des collectes 2025 2025 collections calendar 8 13 31 Activités des fêtes Holiday activities 18 Aînés Seniors RESTONS EN CONTACT | LET’S...
February 2022
...perations and services offered to the public in the coming weeks. While the City is committed to providing all services and collections by municipal employees and suppliers, some schedules may be revised on short notice depending on available staf...
February 2023
...$0.7920 to $0.8136/cubic metre • 3.98% total tax increase for Beaconsfield’s share - for the average home using 29 garbage collections (12 of which are included in the flat rate) and consuming 300 cu. m. of drinking water Montreal Agglomeration sh...
Monday, March 28, 2022
...G that the library’s collection development policy , including guidelines for the eva luation and weeding of the collections, has to be updated every 5 years to respect the criteria for the a ttribution of the grant re...
Monday, March 28, 2022
...ting of Marc h 18, 2022 60. GÉNÉRAL 60. GENERAL 60.1 Ap probation de la Politique de développement des collections de la bibliothèque (révision quinqu ennale • mars 2022) BPL -18 60.1 Approval of th e Librar y Collecti...
2019 Budget
...e 2) : Selon une utilisation de 29 collectes par an ( vs 31 en 2018), donc 17 levées supplémentaires.(note 2) : Based on 29 collections per year( vs 31 collections in 2018), therefore 17 additional collections. (note 3) : Consommation moyenne de 3...
March 2022
...cuments confidentiels Confidential Document Shredding Day PROCHAINES COLLECTES DES MATIÈRES ORGANIQUES NEXT ORGANIC MATERIAL COLLECTIONS REPRISE DE LA COLLECTE MENSUELLE DES ENCOMBRANTS EN AVRIL Nous vous rappelons que les encombrants et les ma...
Fall 2022
DANS CE NUMÉRO | IN THIS ISSUE Collectes Collections 8 10 Aînés Seniors 12 Bibliothèque et culture Library and Culture VOL.17 No 5 AUTOMNE FALL 2022 RESTONS EN CONTACT | LET’S KEEP IN TOUCH C’est la rentrée scolai...
December 2022
...ber 29, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. December 30, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. January 3, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Garbage and recycling collections will be held as usual on Thursdays. You can still reach personnel who can provide essential services (sewer...
February 2025
...³ to $0.9215/m³ • 3.25% total tax increase for Beaconsfield’s share - for the average home with a 240 L bin using 29 waste collections (12 of which are included in the flat rate) and consuming 300m³ of drinking water, representing $83.81. Agglom...
Monday, March 27, 2023
...ns offre une aide financière annuelle aux bibliothèques publiques du Québec afin de maintenir ou d'améliorer l'accès à des collections documentaires de qualité et de maintenir ou d'améliorer - 82 - 27 mars 2023...
Monday, April 19, 2021
...des Communications dans le cadre du programme « Aide aux projets - volet appel de projets en développe ment des collections des bi bliothèques publiques autonomes » pour l’année financière 2021 -2022 ; De mandater Élizabeth...
Monday, August 31, 2020 (adjournment of August 24, 2020 meeting)
...des Communications dans le cadre du progra mme « Aide aux projets : volet A ppel de projets en développement des collections des bibliothèques publiques autonomes » pour l’année financière 2020 - 2021; De mandater Madam...
2020 Budget
...n per month. (note 2) : Selon une utilisation de 29 collectes par an, donc 17 levées supplémentaires. (note 2) : Based on 29 collections per year, therefore 17 additional collections. (note 3) : Consommation moyenne de 300 m³ par résidence, selon la...
2021 Budget
...n per month. (note 2) : Selon une utilisation de 29 collectes par an, donc 17 levées supplémentaires. (note 2) : Based on 29 collections per year, therefore 17 additional collections. (note 3) : Consommation moyenne de 300 m³ par résidence (note 3)...
2022 Budget
...itre standard bin, the rate includes the cost of the equivalent of one garbage collection per month. (note 2) : Based on 29 collections per year, therefore 17 additional collections. (note 3) : Average consumption of 300 m³ per dwelling 1st insta...
2023 Budget
...itre standard bin, the rate includes the cost of the equivalent of one garbage collection per month. (note 2) : Based on 29 collections per year, therefore 17 additional collections. (note 3) : Average consumption of 300 m³ per dwelling 1st insta...