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To mark Climate Action Week in Beaconsfield, we invite you to take action and share your climate efforts to inspire those around you! 

These suggestions are easy to follow and can really make a big difference: 

Become more climate resilient

Our canopy is our greatest climate adaptation asset

Thanks to a subsidy from the City, offered in partnership with the nonprofit organization GRAME, have a tree of your choice planted on your private property. Details at 

FREE: Choose a tree to be planted by the City on public property in front of your home. Contact 

Reduce your water consumption and save money

FREE: Ask the Green Patrol for your leak detection tablet and water savings wheel during their visits. 

REMINDER: Get your WaterSense® certified water savings kit for only $10 (65% rebate!) to reduce your water consumption by 40%. Available at City Hall.

Protect your property from floods or other extreme weather events

FREE: Use the Home Flood Program checklist from the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation for cost-effective ways to protect your home. Available at 

Reduce your local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Convert your fossil fuel heating source

FREE: Get an energy efficiency evaluation for your home. Subsidies of up to $10,000 are available. More information at  

Dispose of your materials responsibly

FREE: Get a larger blue bin from the City and only put your bin out when it’s full. 

REUSE before RECYCLE: Donate your items in good condition instead of using the bulky items collection. Some organizations even pick up at your house! 

BE LAZY: Leave your grass clippings on the lawn 

Act locally

BUY LOCAL! Experience the charm of commercial life in Beaconsfield by buying local products, meeting merchants and restaurateurs, having a chat or simply strolling through the neighbourhood. 

REMINDER: Start your own vegetable garden and get a free composter from Public Works to feed your garden. Consider using our subsidized rain barrel to water your plants. Available at City Hall. 

Climate actions by the community

Climate action ideas

Plant a new tree for your home

Ensemble, on verdit 

  • You can also have a tree planted completely FREE OF CHARGE on public property (within 7 m from the street).  

Order your tree 

So far, Beaconsfield residents have ordered over 150 trees as part of the Ensemble on verdit program! Join them by planting your tree for the climate! 

Plant a garden and buy local

  • To learn more about garden maintenance, come to our conference on May 29th at the Library, where you will be provided with seeds and helpful advice on how to create your dream garden. 

  • By shopping locally, you can decrease your GHG emissions while supporting your local merchants!

  • Participate in our Neighbours Day celebration on June 1st at Heights Park to be gifted a free tomato plant from Connecting Beaconsfield (for Beaconsfield residents only). Quantities are limited.

  • Start your own vegetable garden and get a free composter from Public Works to feed your garden. You can even get a subsidized rain barrel to water your plants. Available at City Hall. 

Prepare for flooding events

  • Take this quick and free quiz to learn how you can become more resilient to floods in your home.  
  • You can also make sure you are covered by your insurance by downloading this guide.

Convert your heating system to an electric one 

Get a free energy evaluation of your home.

Fossil fuel heating systems in homes are the primary source of GHG emissions in Beaconsfield. An energy evaluation allows you to determine the best way to reduce your impact while saving on heating costs.  

The evaluation also serves to inform you on the substantial subsidies that are available for the transition (going up to $10,000!) 

Dispose of your materials responsibly

REUSE before you RECYCLE! 

Donate your items in good condition instead of using the bulky items collection. Many organizations even pick up at your house!  

Limit the number of stops the recycling pickup trucks have to make to reduce GHG emissions! Think about:  

  • Getting a larger blue bin for free from the City, and only put your bin out when it’s full. 
  • Being a little lazier when mowing the lawn and leave your clippings on the grass (it will also benefit your grass!) 

Reduce your water consumption 

Get your free leak detection tablets and water savings wheels at City Hall! While thereget your WaterSense® certified water savings kit for only $10 (65% rebate!) to reduce your water consumption by 40%.

Show your commitment to climate action and your creativity by sharing your efforts with us

  • Do something for the climate today 

  • Take a picture or video (15 seconds maximum) of your action 

  • Share it with us by commenting on one of our Climate Action Week posts on Facebook, or tagging us on Instagram! 

  • If you don’t have a Facebook or Instagram account, email us at 

Tree planting programs

Free Tree Planting on Public Property 

Trees contribute to the improvement of the microclimate and air quality, to the reduction of dust, carbon dioxide and urban pollution. The tree planting program favours the planting of trees in parks, public grounds and roadsides. 

As part of its annual tree planting program, Beaconsfield offers to its residents the opportunity to request and obtain a tree free of charge, planted fronting their property, on the portion of land belonging to the City. As quantities are limited, we suggest registering your requests for plantation as soon as possible by filling out this form.

The City of Beaconsfield offers you the opportunity to choose a tree from a pre-established list. A consultation with the city's inspector will help determine the tree species best suited to your residential environment. Planting the right tree in the right place is essential to ensure its proper development.

All trees planted by the City on public property will be planted during the fall.

Please note that these trees cannot be used as a replacement for a felled tree on private property.

You Want to Plant a Tree on City Property?

Why Do I Need Approval?

Approval is necessary to ensure that trees planted on City property are the right species in the right location and spaced appropriately apart for future maintenance.  

Approval is also required to ensure that the planting location is free of underground utilities and is not in an area designated for future municipal development, i.e. utility installation, road widening, etc.  

For approval, fill out this form.

Recipe for Success

  • Trees survive best if planted in early spring or late fall. 

  • Planting instructions and spacing regulations will be provided. 

Remember: All trees planted on City property become the property of the City of Beaconsfield. 

Planting Tips

  • Do not plant your tree too close to a building, driveway or street or under overhead power lines. 

  • Do not plant near underground lines, such as water mains, sewers, power lines or gas lines. 

  • Dig a hole slightly larger and deeper than the root ball. This way you can add some planting soil when you fill in the hole. 

  • Add mulch around the trunk, but do not bury it. You can lay down some sheets of newspaper under the mulch to reduce the growth of weeds. 

  • Water it…but don't drown it! Water it once or twice a week for the first two years. Avoid over-watering. Letting the soil dry out a little between watering encourages root growth. Take special care during very hot days, but be sure to comply with the municipal watering by-law. 

  • Protect the trunk in the winter, at least for the first few years. Rodents love tree bark! 

Subsidy to Plant Trees on Private Property 

The City of Beaconsfield will once again take part in the Ensemble on verdit residential greening campaign. With the expertise of the non-profit organization GRAME, we are making the purchasing and planting process easier than ever by offering a competitively priced turnkey service which includes: 

  • A tree of your choice among the species available 

  • Delivery and planting with mulch and nutrients 

  • Tips for taking care of your tree 

  • A one-year warranty 

More details